Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church
Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church

Children & Youth Education Directors & Youth Leaders: Steve & Tina Winesett (276)728-9199
Outbreak is a Christian learning experience for all children 4 years old through teenagers. Age appropriate groups are led by awesome caring adults who teach Biblical Principles to share God’s love and His plan for salvation. The services, classes, and events provide a safe place where children and youth are encouraged to freely praise and worship our heavenly Father and Savior.
The teachers and leaders focus on sharing a real relationship with God. A living relationship where the young people are devoted to reading God’s Word and continually praying. Young living Christian examples continue to generate interest and involvement from other youth in the community. Outbreak is growing in numbers, talent, and our exciting love for Christ.
The Outbreak music groups and drama teams actively showcase our love for Christ and the talents that He has given us. Along with regular church services, our teams perform at other local and regional churches and youth events. Youth Talent is also an exciting part of our spring and summer schedules with local and national Youth Quest events.
Outbreak strives to involve the youth in situations and events that provide a true personal encounter with the Holy Spirit and God’s love. Summer camps, Youth Quest Talent, Accelerant Winterfest, and other seasonal activities are exciting events where our children get to meet and worship with other boys and girls who love God.
Children & Youth Services: Sunday School-10am. Childrens Church-11am (ages 4-12)
Sunday Night-6pm Wednesday Night-7pm